Classes summary
AsciiType |
Stores data as ASCII strings. |
BooleanType |
Stores data as single-byte boolean values. |
BytesType |
Performs no transformation or validation of the data. |
CassandraType |
CompositeType |
Holds multiple types as subcomponents. |
DateType |
Stores a date as a number of milliseconds since the unix epoch. |
DoubleType |
Stores data as an 8-byte double-precision float. |
FloatType |
Stores data as a 4-byte single-precision float. |
Int32Type |
Stores data as an 4-byte signed integer. |
IntegerType |
Stores data in a variable-length BigInteger-compatible format. |
LexicalUUIDType |
Handles non-v1 UUIDS. |
LongType |
Stores data as an 8-byte signed integer. |
TimeUUIDType |
Stores v1 UUIDs, which have a timestamp component. |
UTF8Type |
Format for UTF8-encoded unicode strings. |
UUIDType |
Handles any type of UUID. |